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tv   [untitled]    September 26, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the moment the syrian capital is robbed by a new terror attack is called on c.c.t.v. target a key military complex in damascus just a day after twin blasts get in on the school. syrian violence dominates the u.n. general assembly in new york with more regime change calls from the west intervention promoted by arab states above still no resolution. fiery rages sweeps of the greek capital as protesters and police
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a slug it out in front of column and with up to a million people walking out of work in a resoundingly. and we're seeing live pictures right now all from a spain as it braces for another round of anti government demonstrations despite a brutal police crackdown outside parliament the night before. there was a live from moscow with me to bomb with say in syria a gun battle reportedly erupted inside the army headquarters of syria's capital damascus off of the complex was rocked by two paul four explosions four people have been killed in the suicide attacks carried out by the rebel free syrian army margie's policia is in the region. two massive explosions rocked to the syrian
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capital of damascus on the waynes day about what accounts they were targeting the military command center of the damascus regime now the moment of the blast was caught on c.c.t.v. cameras if you look at it as footage that was released by the government you can see a white van driving past the military headquarters before it exploded according to syrian state television there world cost suicide bombers that detonated these explosions there also reporting that four military guards died and an additional fourteen people were injured among them military personnel as well as civilians now the blasts occurred just ten minutes apart from each other with the first one happening at just before seven o'clock local time on wednesday morning they also happened near a landmark square in damascus the result was that they shattered the glass of windows of nearby buildings and several residents kilometers away reported hearing the blast making them possibly the loudest explosions that have happened in the
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city of damascus since fighting broke out there several months ago most of wednesday saw damascus covered with thick smoke and this is as a result of the fires that also broke out in this heavily guarded military compound building the rebel group the free syrian army has claimed responsibility for this attack making it the second such attack in just as many days that rebels have claimed responsibility for and they come just one day after rebels blew up a school building in damascus which they say was being used for military training so what we're witnessing is almost a trend if you like but certainly an intensification of the fighting happening in damascus in the number of attacks that are being carried out by rebel fighters. iran's press t.v. channel says its correspondent mayan mesereau was shot dead by a sniper while reporting on a about today's twin blasts in damascus from all in the story i'm now joined live by author and journalist option read the himself good to see you there mr a ton of
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the now why do you think this particular journalist was targeted by a sniper was this a random killing or was a motive well i have done work for press t.v. reality speaking to you from a country which has banned television station and the president has always been in the crossfire when it comes to nature go back to. your valid joining nato countries the policies of the broadcasting certainly they are saying that the journalists are being deliberately targeted because i'm sure many journalists all around the world want to get their condolences to the family of this young reporter in damascus and they did we were chief of press t.v. in damascus who was shot and wounded many partners who are now called doesn't fit in to influence the way events in syria being reported if if at all. well it's interesting that nothing gets reported from bahrain and all the dictatorships the nato countries support these are nato backed militants the free syrian army is
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a nato backed militant outfit and i think all good people around the world whatever their misgivings about the assad regime will want any cost to defeat this nature backed insurgency i think maybe they seem to be glimmers of hope that even the white house might be able to realize that nine eleven was nothing as what might happen if the wallabies backbite nato and the americans get to power in syria raised right now let's talk a little bit more about the blas now some have labeled the bombing of the government building an act of terrorism why is the free syrian army resorting to such tactics i mean will we see make more of it well it's difficult to see what this free syrian army is a free syrian army the people that the prime minister of this country britain. clinton intern is here some time back. is the free syrian army the people who
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carried out that attack on their army and who is the free syrian army anyway i know people that oppose us had all their lives they are against the free syrian army and it is interesting to see what the tactics of this nebulous group obviously now like to al-qaeda what their tactics are going to be they obviously have no compunction of killing civilians and it is a war i think everyone watching the syrian conflict ration has to decide which side they're on you can be balanced or impartial about a war right it is a war which side are you on if the violence and terror attacks do you finally force assad to step down will the rebels be able to restore peace in the country. the rebels have no chance i think of taking over the country but again i mean with this press t.v. journalist. it is that idea that i think every one of your viewers should think about martha gellhorn that. journalist said objectivity is no place for
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the war and it's a very sad time for journalists in syria today thank you very much author and journalist afshin rattansi always good to see you here on r.t. . the united nations general assembly is into his second day in new york one of the day's most anticipated addresses was that of the runs president mahmoud ahmadinejad who finished speaking just minutes ago a tease monina but my as in new york a gauge of the speech and the world leaders reaction to it good to see you again the maria now after medina judd is known for fiery speeches bearing no one what was the reaction to his latest address. well in his latest address to the general assembly came at a house filled room i could tell you that the u.s. delegation in the israeli delegation boycotted president ahmadinejad's speech due to. israel's remarks he made since arriving in new york
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a few days ago in addition the canadian delegation walked out in the midst middle of his speech during the speech that he made to the world body he accused the u.s. and european union of entrusting themselves to the devil he accused these rallies or rather he referred to the israelis as uncivilized zionists he accused america and its european allies of bullying countries around the world into making decisions that are best for the west but what was interesting in his speech is that he actually made somewhat of an occupy wall street reference when he was criticizing the presidential election in the u.s. the election system in europe he said that hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on campaign spending and as a result ninety nine percent of the voting population their voices are being ignored so that is something that the president of iran never really said that
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phrase ninety nine percent and it's interesting that it comes about a year after this occupy movement began in new york and leaves throughout the world but it's interesting the death speech i mean he was completely a different person from many of the people who was stood there wasn't a surprise did also debuted that although egypt's president mohamed morsi what does he say. yes the egyptian president addressed the general assembly for the first time now at the beginning of his speech he said the first issue the u.s. the u.n. must solve is to establish a sovereign independent palestine an independent state and he said this is a issue that's been ignored for too long and if the international community supported the arab spring they should support the determinations of the palestinian people but then he did take time to address the anti islam film that has sparked so much anti-american sentiment in in the arab world he said the behavior of some
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individuals too and the insults of prophet mohammad will not be accepted he said the obscenity the recent obscenity s. that were released he referred to it as an organized campaign against islamic to tease them unacceptable he was referring to this anti islam film that was made in the us and uploaded to you tube he said that egypt stands firm against the use of violence in expressing objections to any kind of criticism but at the same time he said while respects the freedom of expression that freedom of expression should not be directed towards one specific religion or culture he stressed several times throughout the speech that egypt will not tolerate anyone who criticizes their religion or the prophet mohammad so he did address this issue an issue we should mention that following this anti-american sentiment that blew up in the arab world u.s. president barack obama gave an interview in which he said egypt is not an ally of
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the u.s. but it's also not an enemy of the egyptian president and his u.s. counterpart have not scheduled any bilateral meetings during this u.n.g.a. debate thank you for that. in new york. now we're also you can watch all the addresses of the un general assembly for yourself you can find them live feeds on our website at r.t. dot com right now david cameron is addressing the assembly and speaking more on syria to carrying the blood of young children is a terrible stain stain on his reputation he also spoke about speaking addressing the general assembly about iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad and his rhetorical . call for more on that you can watch that on our website at our dot com. now the words peace love and justice where used by after
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extensively but no matter how softer the rhetorical iran's rivals will always find reason for confrontation that's the view of jamelle the policy director of the national iranian american council. i'm not sure what the strategic thinking was in delivering this speech normally when he when he comes to the united states these are speeches designed to provoke anx and to generate media attention and really you know i think that there were there was a fair number of remarks that will be perceived as incendiary remarks that will be exploited by folks on both sides of the debate in order to heighten tensions. you know on the u.s. and the israeli side i think that there are still statements that the judge made that will you know will be used to create the impression that iran is not a rational actor and that there needs to be a military conflict but i think this is all spin this is all noise and at the end
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of the day once the political theater is over we need to all figure out how we're going to get back to the negotiating table to resolve these many issues not just the nuclear issue but the human rights situation in iran through serious diplomacy i'll be back off the shelf break don't go away stay with us you're not. the sun rises over what seems like and last forest but here in the new directions cry for hundred kilometers north of light of all stalk as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. bloggers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forests of the more skewed region for them profit goes well beyond the future of
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our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis the world wildlife fund for nature makes regular trips to help local rangers do what little they can to stop the logging but it's not easy logger set up trucks making them hard to reach in an already rough terrain and have mastered ways to jump through legal loopholes this is a nature reserve we're only sanitary logging of disease trees is allowed according to law and not a single berry can be picked but loggers like this use their sanitary logging permit to cut down absolutely healthy trees and sell the profitable timber over the border in china we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy the forest is already in our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find quality tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander some morning call has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking
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a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that they have trails the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quite. in order to not scare them off as we get closer. this team says they're illegal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he's overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the promote the region and the w w f says the government isn't doing enough to stop it i gotta go and look now as i started city for more whole forest legislation so assume the pals and so on ribs and you'll forest court and according to. every four us best
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guys in waltham in the in the forest to the still. forest courts still doesn't work just you should do it because no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone they'll sell it all to china what will the people who live afterwards do live it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change and the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. wealthy british style it's time to look for. the good. markets why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy cons
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a report on our. nation and free accreditation three times torture educators free. range month three. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects free media oh don carty dot com. if you live with us here in moscow it's just gone past twenty two seventeen here in moscow the square by the greek parliament in downtown athens are scenes of chaos today with protesters and police exchanging molotov cocktails and tear gas grenades greece itself is at a standstill today with a nationwide strike paralyzing industry transport and businesses up to a million people are taking part in protests with around fifty thousand in the streets around parliament to learn the action is against a third round of austerity being debated by the government if passed aid would mean
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deep slashes to pensions and a raise in the new time in the age to sixty seven but attorney and professor of constitutional law at georgia cuttle dollars a says acerbity has shown itself to be a path to disaster. their own recipe it's a second rate of recipe that's a small release that to them it's just not a list of ten a disease itself because we see that this to yourself is that but austerity measures the question of the decreased it's now actually bigger than what it used to be despite the share that's your. point of view we have also this engine of economy so it's a kind of receptive we're going to reduce the debt state where making a record we've lost in the lottery people will reset up we had at the age of chest of explosion central focal it's got implosion of the government itself so what i think that in the months to come we're going to have to finish. crisis besides the
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. fresh clashes erupting outside of the parliament in madrid as protesters return to the capital streets for a second day of protests thousands of protesters are braving the rainy weather pressed against lies of police and barricades led by spain's indignance movement of the activists are calling for an end to a stereotype and the dissolution of what they call a corrupt column and budget this week it may bring more bad news for them with the country expected to unveil its new budget which would impose even more public spending cuts news that may spot more clashes in the t.v.'s today more than a hundred people were either arrested or wounded in police charges last night outside a heavily fortified calment hryvnia clad officers charged and the demonstrators seemingly at random while ambulances had difficulty reaching the injured in searing skin rashes and also long into the night with witnesses describing
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a merciless police response and one of them they did some pedre associate professor at the rate of one godless university says he saw families goading protesters. what happened is that there were four of occasion the police they began to beat people up in various small groups at seven pm just to get the last scenes of daylight and to do to fear to do to do a scare the people big wouldn't go there at nine thirty day begun to. meet on people of course there were some demonstrators. to buy into the despair of the population. going to turn into a violent state border continues to disparage population when the protestors they
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don't want clashes they don't want to brighton's they just want to overturn a government that betrayed or for electoral propulsion that they've made to the population. a russian billionaire may pay a high price for not keeping his temper in check alexander lebedev has been charged with hooliganism and battery after he punched another businessman during a talk show and could have been face a jail sentence more on that from our g.'s tom barge and he joins us live now to see there tom another high profile legal process involving russia as a super rich what exactly happened this time lou alexander lebedev has been charged with hooliganism and battery he's also been for britain from leaving russia say prosecutors he could face up to seven years in prison for celebrity or was involved in a televised debate on the russian channel m.t.v. last year the various guests were discussing how charitable each of their
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respectable companies work in real estate businessmen and former billionaire surrogate polonsky said that his business was far more charitable than the others and that looking at the people next to me i want to punch them in the face mr lebedev stood up then sat down a second later he stood up again and threw two punches at polanski one appearing to connect with the side of his head polanski then fell off the back of the stage in his blog mr lebedev has been defending himself saying that mr polanski was behaving very aggressively in the debate and that he thought he was about to be hit the owner of the newspapers the london evening standard and the independent claims that the charges are politically motivated his son says that they are outrageously disproportionate russian billionaires have been known to be involved in bitter disputes the tycoon boris berezovsky last month failed in his attempt to sue roman abramovich for five point five billion dollars all right i'm sure
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a lot of people will be following that story tom thank you very much for that. in georgia staying still is becoming harder and harder for competing parties ahead of the parliamentary election in one town one opposition leader's visit was celebrated with an older fashion brawl incumbent president saakashvili supporters attempted to block his rival's entourage as it entered the city rocks and bottles were sent flying as police stood idly by preferring not to interfere ab heavy handed treatment of the opposition by authorities become a feature of this election campaign which is already dividing georgian voters. the business update coming up right after the break.
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culture is that so much the same thing which of course you want to come and so here is how influential is the israeli lobby in the us to what degree does it impact american foreign policy what about the rift that now divides. the for. low income to the playfields for a swimming bird you can catch both of the premier mares like deviation show of the summer check out
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a whole family of russian engineering feats of the let ships truly fly or just go with the flow and take in the view of the bay below but hold on there could be turbulence on board the plane it's only jet powered in p.b.'s plane. bringing carolyn up of the world's most colorful chopper and you've got a team bring to douse the flames technology i'm doing here on a launch we've done the future of coverage. the french invasion of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the. sub jet the emperor the polio has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right i don't read the bloody bottle near moscow is going to start over. james brown will reveal the
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victor the soldiers are back to do it all again. but you know version twenty twelve on r.t. . the. line in russian would be soon which brightened if you knew me about soon from fans to the pressure inside. who screams totty dot com.
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hello there welcome to business we're going to start talking about smart phone bills because they're making a bigger hole in u.s. family budgets with more american households cutting back on entertainment clothes and even. to make room for phone payments that's as wireless does get more popular and more expensive the latest data shows that spending on small phone habits rose at the fastest pace since two thousand and five last year families with more than
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one smartphone are already paying more than four thousand dollars a year as the output swing in can she was spending a while as prices to further consumer spending in other sectors so with that in my let's check out the figures and see what's happening see what the stocks are saying to us right now are they all struggling they haven't had much movement today they've stayed firmly entrenched in negative territory as you can see we've had home sales to crazy things and stocks really are reactions what's going on in europe out there moments about downbeat comments as well from the u.s. federal reserve member we've had the protests in madrid to say let's see what the european stocks closed it was a choppy session in davie has spanish bond yields above that worrying six percent mark the ibex was the worst performing bourse in europe nearly four percent down in the end the violence means that the european currency continues to fall as you see one twenty sixty four just that the russian ruble finished up the lower gets
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a basket of currencies on the stocks here in moscow them today's actions did indeed close a lower well we have have losses as rising u.s. cruise stockpiles that the price with seven wheat lie as well is that the u.s. government reports the low or demand that was all heating oil funds and russia's biggest lender has traded on the long stock exchange says go to the start also. the bank raised over five billion dollars to a secondary public offering in london moscow the bank stepped to the chairman of the companies on the plans to offer to have a go. we have completed an important stage of our international expansion this year and about to complete with closing of bank transaction through the wrong in the near east to three years we're not planning to do any international christians in the core banking space we need to. integrate what we have purchased make sure the competitive advantages that are so strong domestically for us.


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